Stainless Steel Foil wrap is typically used in heat treating application to elimate scale and discoloration of parts. It also protects parts from oxide buildup during heat treating in conventional furnaces.
Heat Treating Foil:
Cut-to-fit stainless steel foil creates a protective airtight envelopeĀ around parts. The foil is resistant to chromium carbide precipitaion during explosures to high temperatures. Decarburization buildup is also eliminated.
Foil Grades:
1) SS321-ANN for application up to 2000 Degree F. (1093 Degree C)
Size : 0.002″ (0.050mm) x 20″ (508mm) x fts (15 meter)
2) SS309-ANN for application up to 2240 Degree F. (1127 Degree C)
Size : 0.002″ (0.050mm) x 20″ (508mm) x 50 fts (15 meter)
Simple To Use:
Wrap tool in foil, fold over and crimp edges forming an airtight package, place in oven and heat treat in usual manner.